For Sale Listings
  • Condition:Used
  • Category:TESTERS
  • Type:TENSILE
  • Manufacturer:SATEC
  • Model:M30WBN
  • YOM:-
  • Location:United States, San Diego
  • Price:-
  • Stock No:-
  • Control:CNC
  • ID:AS15958
Controls Upgraded in 2002
SATEC / MTS Upgraded Tensile Tester
Model M30WBN

Capacity 30,000 lbs

MTS Upgrade Package in 2002
MTS Upgrade Cost $36,834.35

Cal Date 2/2/12 Due Date 2/2/13

No tooling will be included, it will come with a remote control pendant and
computer. Right now it has a heater attached to the frame and they
are not sure if this along with the heater controls also be included.
According to the operator its in good working condition with no issues,
there are no manuals for the machine.
Dealer name:
EMC Leasing Company United States
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